Category Archive: News
Jul 12
Upcoming Workday at Sanborn
May 11
Silicon Valley Mountain Bikers Endorses Measure AA!
This is a very important measure for mountain bikers in Silicon Valley. Check out our video for more information. The Midpen Board of Directors voted to place a general obligation bond measure on the June 3, 2014 ballot. The decision came after a long public process to help shape the direction and priorities of the …
May 09
IMBA Survey
Walden Hyde is working with the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) to better serve mountain bikers. Because you ride bikes on trails, we want to know more about who you are and what you care about. And, we’ll make it worth your time by entering your name in a drawing for an IMBA kit or …
May 04
Mount Umunhum trail to summit ground-breaking ceremony
One of our board members (Charlie) was on site for the ceremony and created this video to share the experience.
Feb 20
ECdM Staging Area – Open February 21st
We received this message from Tina Hugg at to SVMTB ” I’m happy to announce that we just received approval from San Mateo County to open the parking area and trail to the public. Both will be open this Friday, February 21st. We are testing the automatic gates over the next couple days and …