By Ed Dee, SVMTB Board Member
On December 13th, 2023 after many years of public comment meetings and efforts by all interested trail use groups, Silicon Valley Mountain Bikers (SVMTB) obtained a verbal confirmation from a MROSD Board Member that trail Alternative 3 (See 11/29/23 Map) has been chosen to be developed. (Hopefully open to the public in 2027 or sooner).
In our opinion, this will be an important connector trail as part of the larger Bear Creek Open Space Preserve plan to ultimately connect to the Bay Area Ridge Trail (BART). This will give bike riders coming up from Los Gatos, around Lexington reservoir on the Highway 17 side, a nice ~1.7 mile section of mostly single-track to ride to the parking lot on Bear Creek Road at the former Alma College site. From there trail sections are being planned to ultimately connect with the Bay Area Ridge Trail near Hwy 35.
This is a “baby step” (that has consumed much time, energy and diplomacy) towards an important local trail system, and an excellent example of SVMTB working with the biking community, equestrians, hikers, and other trail users for a win/win solution.
SVMTB’s Public Comment at the 12/13/23 MROSD Special Meeting
On behalf of The Silicon Valley Mountain Bikers (SVMTB), and regarding tonight’s proposed trail alignment Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 (see Attached Map);
We are very happy with the District and Staff’s hard and determined work to investigate and identify trail alignments to provide for the greatest enjoyment and safety for all trail users. We do prefer an alternative that provides for the safest and earliest opening of the preserve to public access and enjoyment.
All three current alternatives (as listed on Attachment 2 dated 11/29/23) do appear to minimize trail use conflict within the preserve, and appear to provide for as much separation as possible between the various user groups. Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 (with the Equestrian Bypass) appear to be the most effective at mitigation concerns around the “critical area” at the confluence of Briggs Creek.
If Alternative 3 is chosen, with the equestrian bypass, it almost completely eliminates potential use conflict, while offering equestrians the option to avoid proximity to Highway 17 and the CalFire Heli pad which both were noted as source of anxiety for the horses, without the additional time and expense required in Alternative 2.
Thank you to Bear Creek Stables, The District Board and Staff, and so many other future users of the preserve who have put in so much time and energy since the formation of the preserve 5 years ago, in a concerted effort to meet as many needs, requirements, and preferences as possible; Truly a team effort.