

Oct 17

Sanborn Bike Park PRC Meeting Nov 01

TIME: 6:30 PM
Isaac Newton Senter Auditorium
County Government Center 
70 W. Hedding Street, 1st Floor
San Jose, CA 95110

November 01, people who live near and around Sanborn County Park intend to show up at the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) Meeting and voice their displeasure with the Sanborn Bike Park Proposal. WE NEED TO SHOW UP. It’s really important to get as many kids and parents there as possible and have them address the committee. We are currently working on a Q&A regarding the Sanborn Bike Park and will distribute this next week.

During the Public Comment, which is second on the agenda, we will have a chance to speak on the Bike Parks behave. Speakers are limited to the following: three minutes if the Chairperson or designee determines that five or fewer persons wish to address the Commission; two minutes if the Chairperson or designee determines that between six and fourteen persons wish to address the Commission; and one minute if the Chairperson or designee determines that fifteen or more persons wish to address the Commission. If we are pressed for time, people can yield their time to someone else so they can speak longer.

I’ll be working with a few other people to coordinate this effort. I think it’ll be best if we are respectful of the commission’s time by selecting a few of us to represent the others in the audience. Here are a couple ideas for speakers: Kids, Parents, Neighbors of the Park, Trail Builders, Industry, Riders, other?