

Nov 12

Parkland Acquisition Plan for the County of Santa Clara

I went to the �Parkland Acquisition Plan for the County of Santa Clara� public meeting 11/8/2011. It was actually quite cool, though the subject is largely urban park planning right now.

Excuse any misrepresentations of what anyone expressed.

Everyone needs to go to http://www.parkhere.org/portal/site/parks/ and complete the Acquisition Plan survey under �Quick Clicks�, ninth (9th) choice down.

We need to comment on the acquisition process, and that our concerns and wishes should be an integral part of the acquisition criteria. To do this, email your comments to Brian.Hattsell@prk.sccgov.org by November 18. My comment is that two new criteria need to be added to the Park Acquisition Guidelines or �Themes�. These two items are
1. Grassroots support and Community desire should be give significant weight
2. Demand for an underserved activity should be given significant weight.

At the meeting last Tuesday there were 12 locals/ voters/ concerned citizens. About four folks were watching and executing the show.

Most significant (to me) was Steve Blomquist, from Supervisor Dave Cortese�s office, and Robb Courtney, the new (three days?) Santa Clara County Parks Director were there.

There was a specific agenda, but due to the small size of the participating public, it was very participant driven. People spoke, and we largely had specific recreation sites in mind. The current direction of the Acquisition Plan is based upon �themes�, rather than �sites� we want for recreation areas.

Supervisor and President of the Supervisors, Dave Cortese, had shown up during this discussion of �themes� versus sites. He interjected his short experience with the board and what he saw what was needed, in his view. He stressed that it was just from his view, and that he thought it is his job to execute what we, his constituents, want and need. Dave gave us a nice summary of where were have been, where we are, and where we are going in regards to County Parks Land Acquisition.

Basically, the land acquisition policy has changed from site specific to goal specific. The process we are gong through now is to define and confirm those goals. At this community meeting, though the public wanted to address specific site desires, the goal was to define the �themes�

My personal agenda is expansion of the county motorcycle park into the adjacent 5000 acre United Technologies property. I know that motorcycle riding would be limited (but high quality), but the mixed use aspect and beauty and desolation can make this a spectacular park. The popularity of Motorcycle Park, and funding from the state OHV fund make this a unique possibility.

We have to make this happen by telling our elected and appointed officials and administrators that this is important to us.

We get the government we deserve. Please help.

Gus �Butch� Meyner
Motorcyclist, bicyclist, taxpayer, voter