

Feb 18

URGENT Point Reyes National Seashore Access Alert

Your comments are needed by February 20th!

The planning process and concept alternatives presented in the document, http://www.nps.gov/pore/home_mngmntdocs_GMP2003concepts.htm,
regarding the future of Point Reyes has excluded the bicycling user group completely. Currently this National Parks unit allows limited access for bicycles. At the same time, horses have abundant access, even though their activities in the park have negative environmental impact on soils and habitat and spread exotic species through unregulated feed practices.

The General Management Plan Concepts fail to address the future of bicycle and equestrian access adequately. Bicycle access should be preserved and expanded, and include more camping destination access. Equestrian use should be limited further, in keeping with the commendable conservation and environmental restoration goals of the plan.

Please bring this shortcoming to the attention of the planning process. Failure to address and include all existing user groups and stakeholders undermines the validity of a final GMP. Explicit language and illustration of the trail system access alternatives for all trail users are needed.

I am disappointed by the content of the 2003 Concepts Newsletter, in that it does not include cycling as a legitimate and desirable activity in the unit both on the road system and the trail system.

I encourage cyclists to write their comments to: Ann_nelson@nps.gov, and communicate the fact that cycling is compatible activity with responsible resource management and other user groups.

Paul Nam, President ROMP
Point Reyes National Seashore Management Plan : Comment Deadline 2/20

The Point Reyes National Seashore is updating their General Management Plan,
and it is the time for public comment. This document will determine the
management of the Seashore for the next 20 years, so input NOW is important.

In summary, the NPS has come up with 5 basic concepts as listed below.

Concept 1: Continuing Current Management / The No-Action Concept

Concept 2: Special Emphasis on Preservation and Restoration of Natural Resources

Concept 3: Enhanced Park Values by Balancing Cultural and Natural Resources Preservation

Concept 4: Emphasis on Improved Visitor Experience, Education, and Access

Concept 5: Enhancing Cultural Landscape Preservation Through Sustainable Agriculture
You can read the concept newsletter in its entirety on their website at:


Concept 2, specifically calls for Wilderness to be expanded to enhance the natural qualities of the park. Resource preservation and restoration would be the overriding consideration in the park. This concept would remove the few corridors through the Wilderness, such as the Stewart Trail (a fire road), which is the only legal off-road access to the beach in the Point Reyes National Seashore.

We do not believe there is a need for more Wilderness Designation in the Seashore. Point Reyes is a National Park, and thus is protected from logging, mining and development. More Wilderness designation will only eliminate us from the park. We would like to see more access, not less, as mentioned in concept 4. Instead of removing the Wilderness corridors, creating a corridor that will allow us to travel from one end of the park to the other, maybe on the coastal trail, would be an incredible concept. Traversing the Seashore on our low impact, human powered bicycles, what better way to experience the Seashore?

PLEASE PLEASE take 2 minutes and send off a quick email with your comments today. Even just copying the paragraph above, if you are short on time, would be valuable. It is important that we be heard when there is a call for public comment.
Deadline for comments is Friday February 20th.
Send comments to:
